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How to Test The Quality of Your Virgin Human Hair How to Test The Quality of Your Virgin Human Hair

There are some tips about how to test your virgin hair.

Firstly, virgin human remy hair is real hair from the human donors, which is unprocessed and non-chemical, so the hair you have bought should not have strong chemical smell. So if the hair has very bad smell, don’t buy it!

Secondly, you should care for the excessive shedding problem. To make sure the hair you got is very tight and strong, most of the hair weft has been processed with double machine weft by skilled workers. So usually the hair is not easy to shedding.

Thirdly, you can burn the remy hair you bought, but be careful, just a few strands of hair. If the hair you bought is actual human hair, it would burns completely and smells like human’s hair being burnt. On the contrary, Synthetic hair burns much slower and smells like burning plastic.

What’s more, you’d better check the hair’s length is qualified as the description. But remember, if the hair you bought is body wave hair, you should make the hair be stretched to straight and then measure it, instead of measuring the hair directly.

Next, if your virgin hair is with top quality, it should keep its original shape after being washed.

Lastly, your remy hair could be treated as your own hair. It can be dyed, bleached and restyled to suit your personal taste without causing any damage to it. But before using heat tools on your hair bundles, remember to apply protective spray on your hair extensions.

Hope my tips can help you to find good-quality human remy hair. 


There are some tips about how to test your virgin hair.

Firstly, virgin human remy hair is real hair from the human donors, which is unprocessed and non-chemical, so the hair you have bought should not have strong chemical smell. So if the hair has very bad smell, don’t buy it!

Secondly, you should care for the excessive shedding problem. To make sure the hair you got is very tight and strong, most of the hair weft has been processed with double machine weft by skilled workers. So usually the hair is not easy to shedding.

Thirdly, you can burn the remy hair you bought, but be careful, just a few strands of hair. If the hair you bought is actual human hair, it would burns completely and smells like human’s hair being burnt. On the contrary, Synthetic hair burns much slower and smells like burning plastic.

What’s more, you’d better check the hair’s length is qualified as the description. But remember, if the hair you bought is body wave hair, you should make the hair be stretched to straight and then measure it, instead of measuring the hair directly.

Next, if your virgin hair is with top quality, it should keep its original shape after being washed.

Lastly, your remy hair could be treated as your own hair. It can be dyed, bleached and restyled to suit your personal taste without causing any damage to it. But before using heat tools on your hair bundles, remember to apply protective spray on your hair extensions.

Hope my tips can help you to find good-quality human remy hair. 



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