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How to Bleach Your Virgin Human Hair at Home How to Bleach Your Virgin Human Hair at Home

Before bleaching your virgin human hair, you’d better ask someone who has bleached her virgin hair at home about some suggestion and what kind of product she used. Buy Bleach Powder at a hairdresser store. If you want to properly bleach your hair with a professional product, you have to buy several products. Each is important and plays a important role in the different stages of bleaching hair, including: Bleach Powder, Developer, Tinting Brush, Clips For Sectioning, Plastic Gloves, Plastic Mixing Bowl, Balancing Shampoo, Balancing Conditioner, Old Tower and clothes, Toner(optional). Maybe someone don’t know what developer is. It is a kind of peroxide liquid which can activates the bleach so that it can start to lighten your body wave hair.

Before you decide to bleach your virgin hair, do not process your Brazilian hair at least 3 months. This is because bleach works best on virgin and unprocessed hair. And your hair will be easy to damage if you process your virgin hair too soon. What’s more, you’d better apply hair conditioner on hair to moisturize your virgin human hair.

Bleaching Process:

Step 1: Wear old clothes or cover you with a plastic bag and put on your plastic gloves

Step 2: Use clips to section your virgin hair

Step 3: Mix the bleach powder and developer in mixing bowl

Add two parts of developer for one part of bleach.

Step 4: Apply it

Step 5: Cover your hair with a shower cap or a plastic bag when the bleach apply all of your virgin hair

Step 6: Wash your hair after about 30 minutes and let it dry             

Step 7: Toner (optional)

If you don’t want the color of the hair after bleaching, you can process it with a toner. Just follow the steps mentioned above replacing the bleach.

Before bleaching your virgin human hair, you’d better ask someone who has bleached her virgin hair at home about some suggestion and what kind of product she used. Buy Bleach Powder at a hairdresser store. If you want to properly bleach your hair with a professional product, you have to buy several products. Each is important and plays a important role in the different stages of bleaching hair, including: Bleach Powder, Developer, Tinting Brush, Clips For Sectioning, Plastic Gloves, Plastic Mixing Bowl, Balancing Shampoo, Balancing Conditioner, Old Tower and clothes, Toner(optional). Maybe someone don’t know what developer is. It is a kind of peroxide liquid which can activates the bleach so that it can start to lighten your body wave hair.

Before you decide to bleach your virgin hair, do not process your Brazilian hair at least 3 months. This is because bleach works best on virgin and unprocessed hair. And your hair will be easy to damage if you process your virgin hair too soon. What’s more, you’d better apply hair conditioner on hair to moisturize your virgin human hair.

Bleaching Process:

Step 1: Wear old clothes or cover you with a plastic bag and put on your plastic gloves

Step 2: Use clips to section your virgin hair

Step 3: Mix the bleach powder and developer in mixing bowl

Add two parts of developer for one part of bleach.

Step 4: Apply it

Step 5: Cover your hair with a shower cap or a plastic bag when the bleach apply all of your virgin hair

Step 6: Wash your hair after about 30 minutes and let it dry             

Step 7: Toner (optional)

If you don’t want the color of the hair after bleaching, you can process it with a toner. Just follow the steps mentioned above replacing the bleach.


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