Ama Indian Body Wave Hair 4 Bundles with Lace ClosureAma Indian Body Wave Hair 4 Bundles with Lace Closure
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One of the most important point of lace closure is that the material of it should be breathable so that wearer won’t fell too hot and sweaty. Since it is...
One of the most important point of lace closure is that the material of it should be breathable so that wearer won’t fell too hot and sweaty. Since it is...
One of the most important point of lace closure is that the material of it should be breathable so that wearer won’t fell too hot and sweaty. Since it is produced with baby hair and from 100% virgin human hair, Ama Indian body wave hair looks so natural that you won't be found that you are wearing virgin human hair. Ama Indian body wave hair won't let you be disappointed.
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Weight: Hair Bundles: 95-105 g; Hair Closure: 30-50 g
Material: Indian human hair
Related item: Indian hair, Indian Body Wave hair, Indian weave, 4 bundles Indian hair, Indian human hair
Hair Weft:Machine Double Weft
Can Be Permed:Yes
Life Time:more than 6 months
Available Hair Texture: Body Wave,Straight,Curly,Deep Wave,Loose Wave etc
Shipping: DHL/UPS/TNT/USPS delivery in 2-5 working days
One of the most important point of lace closure is that the material of it should be breathable so that wearer won’t fell too hot and sweaty. Since it is produced with baby hair and from 100% virgin human hair, Ama Indian body wave hair looks so natural that you won't be found that you are wearing virgin human hair. Ama Indian body wave hair won't let you be disappointed.
UP TO 50% OFF, Sign UP TO BE Member TO GET 5 Dollars Coupon.
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