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Excellent lace frontal closure with bundles,frontal closure with bundles,lace frontal closure and bundles,brazilian bundles with lace frontal closure,body wave human hair bundles with lace frontal closure,cheapest 360 lace frontal closure and bundles,frontal closures with bundles.

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    Ama Peruvian Curly Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal Ama Peruvian Curly Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal

    167.73 83.87
    Virgin human hair offered on Excellent Virgin Hair will never disappoint you. There is no mix with animal or synthetic hair in Excellent Virgin Hair so that you can do...
    Virgin human hair offered on Excellent Virgin Hair will never disappoint you. There is no mix with animal or synthetic hair in Excellent Virgin Hair so that you can do...

    Ama Malaysian Curly Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal Ama Malaysian Curly Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal

    167.73 83.87
    Virgin human hair is the much easier way to change a new look without any irreversible consequence. It can work for a long time and be restyled like your own...
    Virgin human hair is the much easier way to change a new look without any irreversible consequence. It can work for a long time and be restyled like your own...

    Ama Indian Curly Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal Ama Indian Curly Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal

    167.73 83.87
    The first step of changing your appearance is to pick up a virgin hair style that suits you. Well, if you have a small face, then curly wave hair might...
    The first step of changing your appearance is to pick up a virgin hair style that suits you. Well, if you have a small face, then curly wave hair might...

    Peruvian Ama Loose Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal Peruvian Ama Loose Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal

    167.73 83.87
    Ama loose wave hair can help you present the beauty of grace, enhancing your appearance up to a next level. If you wear your virgin human hair wig, you definitely...
    Ama loose wave hair can help you present the beauty of grace, enhancing your appearance up to a next level. If you wear your virgin human hair wig, you definitely...

    Ama Indian Deep Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with Lace Frontal Closure Ama Indian Deep Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with Lace Frontal Closure

    167.73 83.87
    Usually 3-4 bundles and a closure can make a hair wig. Comparing the price of 3 bundles with a closure, 4 bundles with a closure, lace closure and hair bundles...
    Usually 3-4 bundles and a closure can make a hair wig. Comparing the price of 3 bundles with a closure, 4 bundles with a closure, lace closure and hair bundles...

    Ama Malaysian Deep Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal Ama Malaysian Deep Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal

    167.73 83.87
    Ama lace frontal has medium brown color which matches closely to wearers' skin color, so that it will be more realistic. To make lace frontal look more natural, it is...
    Ama lace frontal has medium brown color which matches closely to wearers' skin color, so that it will be more realistic. To make lace frontal look more natural, it is...

    Peruvian Deep Wave Ama Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal Peruvian Deep Wave Ama Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal

    167.73 83.87
    Virgin Peruvian hair is one of the most exotic hair types in the market. Peruvian hair has many advantages, it has light weight but it looks thick and full. It...
    Virgin Peruvian hair is one of the most exotic hair types in the market. Peruvian hair has many advantages, it has light weight but it looks thick and full. It...

    Ama Malaysian Loose Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal Closure Ama Malaysian Loose Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal Closure

    167.73 83.87
    Do you want a glamorous look like movie stars? Do you want to be in the spotlight when you hang out? If you keep your straight hair styles for a...
    Do you want a glamorous look like movie stars? Do you want to be in the spotlight when you hang out? If you keep your straight hair styles for a...

    Ama Indian Loose Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal Ama Indian Loose Wave Virgin Hair 3 Bundles with 13x4 Lace Frontal

    167.73 83.87
    Closures are specially designed for those who is looking for natural appearance. The hair look like they really grow from the scalp. "Scalp" is lace in natural brown color. Hair...
    Closures are specially designed for those who is looking for natural appearance. The hair look like they really grow from the scalp. "Scalp" is lace in natural brown color. Hair...


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